Saturday, December 31, 2011

Chapter 2 of Lissa and the mall

Chapter 2
Well, the mall wasn’t really hers, par say, she just liked to think it was hers so that she wouldn’t feel so lonely.  Lissa’s only “friend” was the old man at the used book store who, apparently, never noticed that she wasn’t particularly popular with… well, anyone. So he leant her books and she read them as much as she could during the time when she wasn’t stealing leftover food from empty tables or out in the alleyway trying to find a half decent sleeping bag or-even better- an old mattress. Her favorite was a historical fiction novel called The Invention of Hugo Cabret. It was about a boy, about her age, who lived alone in a 1920’s Paris train station. It was one of the first books she had ever read and the boy, Hugo, had reminded her so of herself that she soon found her doing much the same things as he had done.
        Lissa smiled and clutched the small rubber ball she had been holding. She looked down and realized what she was holding and realized that security must really hate her to go to so much trouble to save a rubber ball as insignifigent as this little thing. She never really stole anything; only stuff that people would toss out anyway. Like food left on café tables or the things that people returned to the big department stores because they had some defect. That was the type of thing she stole. But security didn’t like her because she made them the laughing stock; they always came so close to catching her, but each time she slipped away. It was like living in a bad dream. For both her AND the security guards.
She shook her head. It didn’t help anyone to think like that. Lissa glanced down and saw that the security guards had all left, finally giving up on their hopeless chase. Her stomach rumbled. She looked down and realized how hungry she was. There was a leftover wrap sitting on a Starbucks table. “Huuh” Lissa sighed aloud and pressed to “1” button her elevator door.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Chapter 1 of Lissa and her mall

Chapter 1

        The unhealthily skinny 12 year-old stopped her frantic running when she reached Macy’s. She had a high hairline that was no doubt born of the tight ponytail her hair was perpetually tied up in.  Her shapeless, oversized gray-purple sweatshirt swung around as she looked franticly around. She had on straight jeans with worn knees and sun-bleached creases. Her fearful eyes finally found what they were looking for as an overweight, huffing mall security guard came charging through the confused shoppers. The small, but lithe, girl ran the moment she caught sight of the man. The people riding on the escalator shouted at her as she ran through them, accidently knocking down a small boy of about five. She momentarily stopped to help the boy but then caught sight of the guard and ran off and cried

“Sorry!” over her shoulder. She finally found the door out of Macy’s and then ran past countless clothing stores, a couple of restaurants and a jewelry store As she ran towards the elevator positioned smack in the middle of the mall. When she finally reached, after what seemed like hours, she pressed the up button as fast as she possibly could, hoping that it would come before that illiterate man caught up with her, and that when it did come that it would be empty. The glass elevator finally came and -thank god- it was empty. She ran in and pressed the “close door” button before anyone could come in. Then she moved her gaze upward to the “3” button and pulled out her Swiss army knife and began to pry the “3” button off while pressing the “close door” button every time someone tried to get in. After a minute that seemed like an hour she finally got the button off and then proceeded to move one of the wires over so that it touched its neighbor. Her hand automatically replaced the button then pressed it. As the elevator moved past the 2nd then 3rd levels she rewired underneath the button again and had just replaced the “3” button when the door dinged and opened to her secret room. She looked down and saw about a dozen security guards staring up wondering where the heck she went. She had baffled them once more. The young tween looked around at her little room and wished she had someone to share this triumph with, for this lonely girl had never had any parents she remembered and had never had any peers, teachers, friends, or any family she could remember. All Lissa had, was her mall.

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Haven't Met You Yet by Micheal Buble

Eugene stared longingly at Adela Rodgers as she passed him in her desperate chase after that despicable Dylan. Garr, the mere thought of his baby wanting to interview both Dylan and that stuck-up prince Alek and not him made him want to do something drastic. He felt like running after her, screaming “UM HELLO!!!  IMPORTANT MIDSHIPMAN HERE!!!!”  He thought about what Mr. Rigby would say. He could hear him now
 “You haven’t even met her!”
He imagined his own response “Yet.” At this point Mr. Rigby would sigh and go back to whatever he had been doing. Eugene wondered to himself; why the heck do I always have such vivid conversations in my head?!?
“Maybe I’m a child of Aphrodite” He muttered with a half-amused chuckle and continued walking towards the wonderful Miss. Rodgers. 

Space Oddity by David Bowie

Dr. Barlow sat watching Mr. Tesla’s elaborate display through her fingers. And thought Martians… honestly. This man was so obviously mad it was hard to watch Alek stare at the Clanker boffin with such admiration in his eyes. The scientist thought about asking Dylan to tell him that this man was most likely completely insane (or at least very ignorant). But then looked in turn at both Alek and that Tesla and decided that she was a scientist and would not dash one boy's most earnest wish without even proof. No she wasn’t that cruel. Alas she still hoped that Count Volger (for he was far more heartless than she) would try to discourage him. He won’t break she thought sadly as she watched the ridiculous display how I despise a stubborn personality.

Paradise by Coldplay

Deryn stood skylarking on the topside with the engines at half-speed. This was barking fun! She was (in theory) exercising her hurt knee. But her knee barely hurt. She closed her eyes and was immediately plunged into paradise.  Deryn sat down thought why would anybody not want to fly? This was paradise. This inexplicable feeling was worth all the lies and secrets. When that bum-rag Malone snitched her secret to the World her life would be thrown into a blur of despair.
        “Don’t be a dummkopf” she said aloud. Alek had said that woman in America flew in hot air balloons. But hot air balloons just weren’t the same as standing topside, feeling the Clanker engines rumbling beneath her feet, the feel of the cilia waving along like mini waves. Deryn shook her negative thoughts out as Alek walked toward her. At least she had him.

Norwegion Wood by the Beatles

Alek was having a pretty darn good day. That is until Dr. Barlow ordered Deryn to go on a mission to Norwegian wood. She had asked them both to sit. Alek looked around and saw that there weren’t any chairs.
“Have some wine.” The lady boffin said while offering them both a glass. Alek sat on the rug and took tentative sips of the wine, biding his time.
“I have a mission for you” she stated clearly, looking at Deryn. Alek’s eyes widen. They’re first mission!
“Ooh!” Alek said. Dr. Barlow looked at him sadly.
“I’m afraid this one is only for our young Dylan” The famous granddaughter of Charles Darwin said sounding sincerely sorry for Alek.
“B-but” Both Dr. Barlow and Deryn looked at him pityingly
“I’m sure you’ll have your mission soon” Deryn said looking both excited and sad.
“But what will I do here!?!” Alek asked looking desperate.
“You will continue your work here”
“Without you or Deryn?!”

Hard day's night by the Beatles

Newkirk trudged along the topside. He didn’t even know people actually trudged!  It was a regular day and he had been ordered to lead the hydrogen sniffers around the membrane looking for leaks. So far he had found about 500. At least it seemed that way; the slightly under-age middy had been up all night and all day working like a dog. Walking the lady boffin’s pet, walking the sniffers, feeding the bats. He couldn’t wait to get back to his cabin, were everything felt all right and he soon hoped to be sleeping like a dog.

First story shuffle

Here is are my two story shuffles! I hope you like!

Cross My Heart~Marianas Trench

Lilit held the dull side of her knife to her uncle's throat. “You promise?”
“Yes I promise” Her favorite uncle replied
“You cross your heart?”
“I, Zacke brother of Zaven cross my heart and hope to die if I break my promise to my niece, Lilit.” Lilit lowered her knife.
“Thanks, I don’t think I could go on my own anymore”
Zacke smiled “Do you think I would let my favorite niece roam these dangerous streets alone?”
“I’m almost 19 and I can protect myself thank you very much!” Lilit cried indignantly.
The young man raised his eyebrows “Well yes I suppose so... But why did you insist on my promising?”
Lilit looked uncharacteristically embarrassed “Well… I thought you would hate me for letting my father die.”
Zacke’s eyes widened “Me? Hate you? I feel pity for you!”
Lilit sighed in relief “I’m so glad I have you, Zacke.”
He hugged the almost-adult’s shoulders
“Me too, friend.”

Haven't Had Enough~Marianas Trench
Eugene strayed in Dr. Nora Barlow’s cabin as long as he could. He knew that if he didn’t walk Tazza properly Nora would call Dylan to do it and he would no longer be able to see her. This was something he just couldn’t take. As he walked towards the gut he heard Mr. Rigby’s voice telling him that not only was his precious Nora married but she was also about 20 years older than him, but for some reason he just couldn’t manage to get her out of his head.  I guess love is blind he thought. He carried on walking down the gut, desperate to walk Tazza correctly so that Nora would need him. Oh how he wish he could go back one more time and begin it. Back before she was married. But alas that was not an option so his only other choice was to somehow end it right; make her fall desperately in love with him and forget that silly “Alan Barlow” and run off with the 16 year old airman. The young middy’s fantasizing was cut short by Mr. Rigby, who was topside helping the riggers.
“What are you doing up here with Tazza?!” he half shouted. At once Eugene realized that he had once more messed up one of Tazza walks
“Oh Huxley clart!” He swore.
“Were you day-dreaming about Dr. Barlow again?” Mr. Rigby said in a disapproving voice
“Yes” Eugene said sheepishly
“This has got to stop!”
“Yes, sir”
“Good now go return Tazza to Dr. Barlow’s cabin and then come up here to help us” Mr. Rigby turned back to his work. Eugene knew the boson was right but continued to wish for the impossible as he walked back to the lady boffin’s cabin. 

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My writing blog

Hey guys, so I figured I should have a blog for my writing. It will probably be mostly FanFic of LBG (Leviathan, Behemoth, Goliath) but there might be some other stuff too. I don't know.