Chapter 3
Lissa walked and laughed along with the group of teenagers she was hiding in. They started walking towards the wing of the mall that held the brand name clothing stores. In other words, away from Lissa’s lunch. She looked around, trying to see whether she could safely break away. There wasn’t a guard in sight. She ran, swift and silent as a fox, and snatched up the wrap. As she ran back towards the elevator she looked inside the wax paper bag and saw that there was a less than half-eaten spinach wrap hiding beneath a napkin. Her favorite. She was just thinking about what that cold piece of spinach with a little cheese wrapped up in a “whole wheat” tortilla would taste like when a small hunched over old man hit her shoulder as he rushed past. She was about to tell him off for knocking into her when she saw that he was dragging a ridiculously large… well, it was a suitcase, she supposed, even though it wouldn’t so much as one suit as 10. Lissa also noticed, as the strange little man continued to hobble toward the elevator that he was wearing distinctly odd clothes. He was wearing a green bowler hat and some sort of giant wool purple cloak and underneath, a black jumpsuit covered in those strange old-fashioned trench coat buttons. Lissa stood soaking in his appearance and was so befuddled by it that she barely, just managed to jump into the elevator with him. She watched in wonder as the old man began to do the very thing she did every day.
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