Friday, January 6, 2012

Heaven's Gonna Wait (Acoustic Mix) by Hedley

Newkirk had no idea what he would do if it was him who got kicked off because of this boffin. His ma would kill him for one thing. She would have gotten mad if she had even knew they would be docking in London; she was scared of big cities, and of beasties and of a whole host of things that where irrational and at the same time had a small amount of truth to them which just made them even worse.
Newkirk hoped it was that Dylan that was kicked off. He seemed like the kind of boy that all the village lassies would love back home. Oh, how Eugene hated those ones. The ones that seemed to have an inexplicable swagger and charm about them. Sadly, and clashing with his tendency to fall in love with every girl he saw, Newkirk was not one of those boys.


  1. *Teehee* That's funny. Falling in love with every girl he saw... not so much, eh *Thinks of Deryn*? Oh, Newkirk.

  2. Well, that would be a little creepy considering he thinks she is a boy. Plus I think Rachel would hate Deryn forevermore. And we wouldn't want that.
